Film Commission Torino Piemonte (FCTP) is a non-profit Foundation, established and financially supported by Regione Piemonte and Torino city council.

Active since September 2000, Film Commission Torino Piemonte aims to promote the Piedmont region and its capital city, Torino as a preeminent location and working site for film, television and audiovisual productions, attracting to the area Italian and foreign productions and supporting the local film and television industry, therefore creating new working opportunities for professionals involved in this sector.

Film Commission Torino Piemonte’s main activity is to support all film and television production companies choosing Piedmont and its territory  to produce their projects:

  • by offering facilities and logistic support to pre-production and during shooting time, through a series of services, ranging from screenplay first analysis and location scouting to granting of all required permits by council and province administration offices for the duration of the shooting, to the film preview on either territory or at festivals, in the event of its being selected (see Services);
  • promoting local services, professionals and locations (see both Production Guide and Location Guide);
  • supporting national and international productions through a number of funding schemes, directly or in partnership with Regione Piemonte (see Film Funds).

Since 2000, Film Commission Torino Piemonte has been supporting over 1,600 projects, including feature films, tv series, documentaries, shorts, animation films, ads, music videos, tv formats, corporate videos, digital contents (see titles, info, cast & credits and video in Film database).

At the same time, Film Commission Torino Piemonte carries out ongoing international promotion and marketing activities, through advertisements, premieres, events, screenings, publications, attending all main international film festivals and markets, and building partnerships with projects both in Italy and abroad.

Film Commission Torino Piemonte is a member of:
Ifc - Italian Film Commissions
Eufcn - European Film Commission Network
Top-IX TOrino Piemonte Internet eXchange

Film Commission Torino Piemonte
Via Cagliari 42
10153 Torino - Italy
T +39 011 23 79 201
F +39 011 23 79 298
C.F. 97601340017

Beatrice Borgia

Vice President
Giulia Anastasia Carluccio

Beatrice Borgia
Giulia Anastasia Carluccio
Bartolomeo Corsini
Elisa Giordano
Tatiana Mazali

Collegio dei Revisori
Paola Gatto (President)
Diego Rovetti
Maria Carmela Scandizzo

Paolo Manera

Paolo Manera
Davide Bracco
Giusy Butticé
Barbara Tirrito
Emanuele Baldino
Francesca Barbagallo
Lucia Cannone
Alfonso Papa
Donatella Tosetti
Alessandra Tricerri
Federico Vargiu

See Contacts

Last update
29 March 2024