The documentary tells the story of Emilio salgari following three different narrative itineraries through his last twenty years of life. Turin narrative itinerary, the city where he lived his unquiet years, during the end of last century. The exotic itinerary, the fantastic geography of his novels, his “monde à part” that is made of distant and charming places, his imaginative fantastic wirolds which filled up the boyhood of many generations of readers. Lastly, we want to tell about the man Salgari, his inner motives, what brought him to commit suicide, by exploring his last Turin house in Corso Casale, retracing his last years through his famous and desperate letters.
The intention of this documentary is to tell the story of Emilio Salgari from a new point of view. In particular there’s a focus on Salgari last twenty years of life, the Turin years, the most significant of his whole life. A life which turns faster and faster on the miserable and sad writer cliché. Finally that is important for us to tell about a mysterious man but also a navy captain. This man travelled around the world to describe minutely the many fabolous characters adventures such as Sandokan and Corsaro Nero.