Made from material collected during the development of the project 'Exodus', the documentary deals with the Istrian Exodus starting from Turin to arrive in Istria, in a time when the next entry of Croatia into the EU will delete the last political border of Istria, a land which peoples and nation have contended for during the past centuries.

The decision of developing a documentary project on the Istrian Exodus theme has taken shape along with the discovery of the Refugees Village in Turin. An isolated place of one of the many Istrian fragments scattered over our Country, the Refugees Village keeps an undamaged identity and memory of one event for a too long time banished on the fringes of the late Italian history.
Talking about the innumerable stories connected with the Italian Exodus also means telling of that Italians minority who choose to stay, incapable of leaving their dearest affections.

In these times of the progressive European Union opening and the demolition of the borders among the member states, looking at the recent history of the eastern Italian border and to the innumerable sufferings caused to its people, it fully communicates the absurdity of defining a State simply by tracing a line on a map. A simple and quick act that suddenly frustrates often gained dearly life projects and dreams.

The documentary starting point is the Refugees Village in Torino where we meet the people from the Istrian exiles association (ANVGD).

From the Istria that is still and always present in the exiles memory we move first to Trieste then to nowadays Istria that is still divided between Slovenia and Croatia. Here we will retrace back over the stages of the exiles journey meeting the Italian minority spread over all the Peninsula. From Portorose to Rovigno and Dignano, to a present full of expectations.

Director of photography
Film Editor
Altri credits
filmati di repertorio: Cineteca del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Azul | Portage (Torino)
con il sostegno di Piemonte Doc Film Fund (bando Sviluppo per "Esuli in patria"), Città di Torino (Assessorato al Commercio e Turismo), Circoscrizione V di Torino - in collaborazione con ZAVOD KINOATELJE (Slovenia)
Festival - markets - events

Biella Eurodoc, 2008 - presentazione progetto

Torino Giorno del ricordo 2009 - presentazione progetto


Last update: 15 June 2012