3 years ago I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Today, after 3 sessions of chemotherapy and a few months of care, I find myself in limbo between a possible return of the illness and a definitive recovery.
Punctually, the fear that an ominous result will make me have to start the whole procedure from the beginning, presents itself again. Luce Mia is my journey backwards into the illness: my story told through my facebook page during the chemotherapy crosses the solitude and hope of today's patients, in search of that moment when one stops being a patient and goes back to being a human being. The illness is not a conviction but, before everything else, it's a chance to look at oneself and what surrounds one in a different way.

Lucio Viglierchio
Lucio Viglierchio
Lucio Viglierchio
Director of photography
Sandro De Frino
Film Editor
Original Music
Massimo Volume
Fabio Colazzo, Lucio Viglierchio
Cast and characters

Sabrina Caggiano, Alessandro Cignetti, Benedetto Bruno, Cristina Mentone, Venusca Mungo

Production Director
Francesca Portalupi
Organizzatore generale
Francesca Portalupi
Massimo Arvat e Francesca Portalupi
Zenit Arti Audiovisive (Torino) in associazione con Rai Cinema,
con il sostegno della Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario – sviluppo giugno 2013 e produzione giugno 2014) e della Fondazione Scientifica Mauriziana onlus, in collaborazione con l'associazione AIPE - la speranza e con il patrocinio della Città di Torino.
Zenit Arti Audiovisive
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Selezione ufficiale Torino Film Festival 2015

Zenit Arti Audiovisive
Last update: 06 October 2021