In Camerun everybody calls him Jolibeau, but his real name is
Stéphane Ebongue. If he hadn’t escaped hiding in the hold of
that merchant ship 9 years ago, he would have died by the
hand of the marabù. The volcano hasn’t stop erupting and
according to the beliefs only the blood of another albino could
have decreased Epasamoto’s fury, the god of the mountain.
From Douala’s harbour to Genova; thirty endless days in the
middle of the peat. But now Jolibeau is tired of running away.
Time to return dreaming has come and he wants to start with
a precise target: he wishes to give a future to all albinos in
Africa. But to achieve it, he should address other travels and
overcoming other trials. From Piemonte, where he’s living and
working now helping other migrants, to the Swiss, in the UN
offices, to talk directly with the african policy makers. And
again in Camerun. In the deep forest to look into the
witchdoctors eyes. Those who murdered his brother Maurice a
long time ago.
This is the story of the adventurous Jolibeau's travels.

The project is born from the strict friendship established by the
author and the directors with Stéphane Eboungue in the last
six years.
His story in its complexity and drama, is capable of gaining a
very unique value. A bridge between cultures and traditions. In
fact, Stéphane is a migrant searching for a better life (as the
migrants he is helping in Piemonte), but he is also a victim
who is struggling with a death’s destiny, and now that he’s
safe, he has the courage to go back and take a concrete
support to other victims. He’s not a victim anymore, because
he has the capability to look in the face of his persecutors.
He’s the gazzelle who becomes a lion. This is the sense of
'Jolibeau’s Travels'.

Andrea Vernoli, Davide Gneri
Fabio Lepore
Director of photography
Andrea Vernoli
Film Editor
Andrea Capranico
Original Music
Joy Kitikonti (Massimo Chiti Conti)
Fabio Lepore
Mirko Rispoli
Altri credits
Heirich Vogel (Montaggio del suono)
Cast and characters
Stéphane Ebongue
Production Director
Organizzatore generale
Stefania Bindolo
Executive production
Andrea Vernoli
Andrea Vernoli
A.P.R.I, Juma Communication e Andrea Capranico
con il sostegno della Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - sviluppo settembre 2013 under 30 e produzione luglio 2016).
Andrea Vernoli (Smart Factory)
Last update: 23 September 2019