After the death of his mother, the young Teo moves to the small town of Acqui Terme with his father. The two have never really known each other and this is the chance to do so. But it is there that Teo meets a frightening being...

The loss of a mother when one is still a child is one of the most traumatising griefs one can experience. Beyond The Smoking Earth investigates precisely this form of mourning on the part of Teo, a 14-year-old boy, accompanying the audience throughout the elaboration and growth. It is important to embrace the future and not cling to the past, it is necessary to find the strength to move forward and get back into the game. This is the message the film aims to convey.

Gianluca Granocchia
Sara Parentini
Sara Parentini
Altri credits

Gaia Gunetti (Responsabile Sviluppo)

con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Film Tv Development Fund - dicembre 2021
Last update: 24 October 2023