The End is Blue is the story of the friendship between two teenage girls with a bizarre passion for medical visits. Like all who take unorthodox paths, the girls will be disliked and unpopular, but their bond will give them the strength to continue to stand out. They will be divided, and the drama arises in all the attempts to tame them and bring them back to the norm. The ending is a surprise; so surprising that it cannot described in words but only with a color, the color blue.
The intense friendships experienced only in adolescence change our lives forever. These friendships encourage us to grow, to be independent, and to expose ourselves to new things. Our best friends enable us to look at our families, society, and our own lives with different eyes. That deeply personal relationship gives us something never experienced before, but what we all really need.
The End Is Blue tells a story of this kind of friendship. I’s a friendship that deals with fears, insecurities, doubts, disappointments, clashes with parents, misunderstandings with the world at large, and ultimately solitude. Motta and Castracani are the protagonists of a story that in some ways might seem unconventional. For instance, the two girls spend their free time visiting doctors and hospitals in order to have tests performed. A strangely empirical way, perhaps, of getting to know themselves. This was the backbone in the comic book that intrigued me and drove the film adaptation. After all, what better time to reflect on one’s own existence than the moment when someone like a doctor is observing, studying, and analyzing the unseen parts of ourselves. How can this objective evidence be interpreted by a young girl who is trying to understand who she is and her role in the world? This kind of self-reflection is very complicated for a teenage to contemplate, but the search for our own identities, which is only beginning in adolescence, is something we will continue to question throughout our lives.
Luca Scarabelli (Responsabile Sviluppo)