Starting from the book "I Minatori della Maremma" by Luciano Bianciardi and Carlo Cassola, written in 1954, in the months following the mining tragedy of Ribolla where 49 miners died, "La Teleferica" wants to tell the "Journey" made by the two writers in the villages and lands of the Montecatini mines in the metalliferous hills, through the gaze of Romina Zago, writer and photographer, granddaughter of former miners, that will retrace that same path within that territory of Tuscany, that in the twentieth century, had played a very important role in the economic landscape of our country. The narrator, through her journey, real and symbolic, at the same time, takes us inside those "places of memory", in the daily life and reality of those families who had been linked to the work in mine, to retrieve together with them, the "threads of memory" of a past that is slowly disappearing.

La Teleferica was born with the will of retrace a journey in the Colline Metallifere (located in Maremma, Tuscany) in order to tell, through the witnesses of the time, the history of Montecatini mines by an historical, social, economic and anthropological perspective, with a particular focus on the female gaze. An harmonic dialogue between different expressive languages such as Cinema, Photography, Literature and Theatre, proposing an actualization of the work and personality of Bianciardi and Cassola. This narrative has been deemed of high cultural value by the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Bianciardi (project leader) and by Fabio Levi, Professor of Contemporary History at University of Torino. For this reason, the documentary aims at build a collective memory about mining civilization of that area, of the people who lived and still live there, up to nowadays. The goal is to reconstruct and give visibility to a specific socio-historical snapshot, less and less remembered today.

Maurizio Orlandi, Romina Zago
Maurizio Orlandi, Romina Zago
Director of photography
Michele Guerrini, Davide Marcone
Original Music
Dario Canal, Gabriele Bernabò
Alessandro La Spina, Fabio Di Santo
Federico Santini, Andry Verga
Altri credits

Emma Orlandi (Color Correction)

Cast and characters

Romina Zago (Narratrice); i testimoni.

Production Director
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Doc Film Fund - sviluppo dicembre 2022
Last update: 09 March 2023