Shahen Harutyunyan was 14 years old when she decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, who have been fighting for a free and independent Armenia for decades. Today he is 23 years old and the leader of the Shant Alliance, a political party aiming to win national elections. In this coming-of-age story, over the course of 10 years, Shahen goes from a restless activist to a brilliant and thoughtful politician. In a context of strong social and political instability, through wars, revolts and under heavy Russian influence, his struggle for an autonomous Armenia runs parallel to a painful emancipation from his father figure. Will Shahen Harutyunyan have the stature and strength to become the new face of Armenian politics?

Shahen, his father Shant and grandfather Shahen Senior belong to three generations of Armenian political activists and dissidents. By closely following the dynamics of this family, the father-son relationships and the changing political context, we explore and narrate the dilemmas and obstacles of a country. When and why stick to one's ideals? When instead to follow inherited traditional values? Shahen's personal conflicts translate into the political arena, and allow for parallels between his emotional struggle and Armenia's quest for autonomy and stability. Along his path, he will be called upon to face trauma and remorse, to overcome those who came before him, to find his place in the family legacy, and finally to imagine a new history for his country.

Marco De Stefanis
Marco De Stefanis
Marco De Stefanis
Film Editor
Albert Markus
Petros Goroyan
Altri credits

Zelia Zbogar (Responsabile sviluppo); Fabrizio Nastasi - Imago VFX (Postproduzione video)

Cast and characters

Shahen Harutyunyan

Executive production
Vardan Hovhannisya, Inna Sahakyan, Ofelya Zalyan
Esther Van Driesum, Joram Willink, Alessandro Carroli
Bind Film, EiE film
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Doc Film Fund - produzione giugno 2023
Last update: 07 September 2023