The CSC animation school, established in 2001 in agreement with the Piedmont Region and based in Turin, is an important reference point in Italy for young people who see animation as their means of expression and as their artistic and professional future career. The school's goal is to develop their talents to train artists and technicians with knowledge and understanding of the process of creating and producing animated films, equipped with professional artistic and technical skills in the main areas of production. A strong emphasis is placed on animation as a medium of expression, communication, and experimentation, beyond its "genre" definition.

 The training course is three years, based on project and practice. There are 20 places available per year and admission is by selection (portfolio, interviews, practical tests). The CSC diploma is equivalent to degree class L-03 (DAMS). Teachers are artists and professionals from the Italian and international fields. The training activities are based on practical exercises and projects, which may also include work simulations for short commissioned productions. The 3rd year is devoted to diploma projects. Each year 3-7 short animated films are produced, based on students' subjects, where the school strongly encourages a variety of ideas, themes, styles and techniques. CSC also collaborates in the production of projects with alumni.


Main production
Secondary production
Established in
Italian, english
Margherita Eula (referente operativo) - Monica Cipriani (Direttrice della Sede) - Chiara Magri (direttrice artistica animazione)
Recent works

80 cortometraggi d’animazione e circa 60 video di comunicazione prodotti nell’ambito dell’attività formativa. Segnaliamo:
- “Raices”, cortometraggio, animazione 2d, “Premio  Laganà” Asifa Italia/Cartoon Italia, Cartoons on the Bay 2022; selezione ufficiale Festival Int. du Film d’Animation Annecy 2022. 
- “Vulcano”, cortometraggio, animazione 2d, “Best short film +6” Giffoni Film Festival 2022; 
Underwater Love”, cortometraggio, animazione 2d, “Best student Film” ITFS Int. Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart 2022;  selezione ufficiale Festival Int. du Film d’Animation Annecy 2021
- “Pentola” cortometraggio, animazione 2d, s selezione ufficiale Festival Int. du Film d’Animation Annecy 2022
- “Graziano e la giraffa”, cortometraggio, animazione 2d, s selezione ufficiale Festival Int. du Film d’Animation Annecy 2022
Whatever Happened to Darwin” , cortometraggio, animazione 2d,"Corto d'Argento" SNGCI Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici 2020
En “Rang par Deux”, cortometraggio animazione 2d, Selezione ufficiale documentari Interfilm Berlin 2020
New Neighbours”, cortometraggio animazione 2d, , semi-finalist Academy Awards (“Oscar”) for Student Film 2018
Merlot”, cortometraggio, animazione 2d,  “Emile” for Best Student Film European Animation Award 2017.

Produzioni con ex allievi:
Lo Steinway”  di Massimo Ottoni. cortometraggio d’animazione stop motion; 17' 28''. Produzione: Istituto Luce Cinecittà in collaborazione con Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, con il contributo di FCTP.

Last update: 09 May 2023