Founder member of Di Chio Disegni and Associate Law Firm, Giulio Disegni provides legal assistance in the management of the company, in the setting up of corporate structures and in the management of relations between members and between members and directors in the negotiation, out-of-court and contentious phases; he specializes in the negotiation and stipulation of various types of commercial agreements and in the structuring of commercial operations.

He assists companies and individuals in the drafting and negotiation of contracts, in possible credit guarantees, in consulting and litigation in the fields of civil and commercial law, copyright and advertising; he follows natural and legal persons for the protection of their right to image and for the legal aspects related to projects for the use and enhancement of their artistic heritage.

Thanks to the experience and skills gained over the years, the professional activity is also carried out in the cinematographic sector areas and in particular in the pre-production phase by drafting confidentiality agreements for the protection of a project and transfers and acquisition of rights, in contracts with authors and directing agreements; in the subsequent production phase, with the drafting of contracts relating to production and co-production, as well as releases; in the distribution phase with regard to licenses, sales, distribution and association contracts in participation.

Main activity
Secondary activities
Established in
Italian, english, spanish
Avv. Giulio Disegni
Recent works

Nell'ambito del diritto d'autore circoscritto al cinema:
- contrattualistica per produzione di opera cinematografica di lungometraggio;
- contrattualistica in materia di cessione di diritti di autore;
- contrattualistica per la concessione di servizi e location per set cinematografici;
- redazione accordi tra attori e case di produzione;
- redazione patti parasociali tra soci di società di produzione.

In generale:
- attività di consulenza ed assistenza legale a imprese e a soggetti privati nel diritto commerciale, diritto industriale e contrattualistica;
- arbitro in arbitrati presso la Camera di Commercio di Torino;
autore di pubblicazioni in materia di diritto commerciale, fallimentare e di crisi di impresa; relatore a convegni di diritto civile e commerciale.

Last update: 15 November 2022