Carlo, 30 years old, is a blue-collar worker at ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni. He lives and works in Turin, where he moved from South Italy. In April 2007, the German executives of Thyssenkrupp decide to dismantle Turin’s plant and on the 11th June, Carlo receives the letter announcing his immediate lay-off. Suddenly, the company put off the closing of the plant to the end of the year calling back Carlo to the working lines. The workers must work long exhausting shifts in order to preserve their right to severance pay. They are forced to work in unsafe conditions because maintainance of the machines had been stopped in April. Chronicle of a death foretold: during the night between the 5th and 6th December, the Turin plant becomes a living hell. Flames burned alive seven workers who were working the night shift on line five. Carlo was saved because he had worked the afternoon shift that day. Now the workers, to whom earlier no one would listen, were splashed on the front pages of newspapers and on Television. The factory in Turin closes permanently and Carlo, again with no income, returns to Calabria. His journey becomes a search for identity and for his place in the world. Calabria, with its people and its nature, becomes a mythical place where a man, shaken by anger, the terrible tragedy that killed his workmates and the media chaos in which he is caught after this dreadful accident, tries to find himself.

Pietro Balla / Monica Repetto
Director of photography
Francesca Frigo / Andrea Parena
Film Editor
Eleonora Cao
Stefano Grosso
Cast and characters
Carlo Marrapodi, Melita Giambrone, Rocco Carniccio, Cekoski Carniccio, Mario Marrapodi, Salvatore Interdonato, Callisto Fiorenza, Massimiliano Tassone.
Executive production
Pietro Balla - Monica Repetto
Esperia Film / BabyDoc Film
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - post produzione settembre 2008)
Assistente al montaggio
Francesca Vaschetti
Festival - markets - events

-9/2008 Venezia - 65. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia (Evento Speciale Orizzonti)
-9/2008 Salina - Salina Doc Fest - concorso internazionale
-9/2008 Fondi(LT) Fondi Film Festival - Immagini dal Lavoro
-9/2008 Roma - Grandi Festival...da Venezia a Roma - Panorama
-10/2008 Roma - Festival delle Scritture Cinematografiche Pigneto - Spazio Documentario
-10/2008 Torino - Cinemambiente Film Festival - Fuori Concorso
-10/2008 Terni - Cinema &/è Lavoro - festival Cinematografico dell'Umbria - Cinema e Lavoro
-11/2008 Carbonia- Iglesias IV Mediterraneo Film Festival 2008 - Rassegna del Cinema del lavoro e di migrazione - Primo Premio
11/2008 Vittoria (RG) Mediterraneo Film Festival - Panorama
-11/2008 Sulmona (AQ) - Sulmona Cinema Film Festival - Crimini contro i lavoratori
-11/2008 Roma - Roma Film Festival - Oltrecinema
- Cinemavvero, Firenze 21/11/2008
- TuttaPorto, Palermo 29/11/2008
- “Cinema e Lavoro” (Sentieri Selvaggi), Arezzo 5/12/2008
- Filmfestival del Garda, Salò 6/12/2008
- PRC Modena, Modena 10/12/2008
- Cinema Kino-DeSSé, Livorno 11/12/2008
- Cinema e Teatro Sociale Villani, Biella 18/12/2008
- 2009 - Piemonte Movie - Un anno di cinema sotto la Mole
- Forlì, Sala San Luigi - Rassegna sui diritti umani, 2/04/2009
- "Il cinema incontra il lavoro", Cineteca Comunale di Rimini, 07/04/2009
 - Cinema Politeama Clarici, Foligno (PG), 30/04/2009
- (distribuzione indipendente) Documè - Circuito Indipendente del Documentario Etico e Sociale
15/07/2009      Arena Estiva "Ex stalloni"      Reggio Emilia
30/03/2009     Cinema Baretti     Torino

Deriva Film
Last update: 15 February 2013