In the heart of Irpinia (Italy) the human presence becomes increasingly rarefied. In the fields, traditionally used for wheat, now are growing countless wind turbines. Vito, however, decided to stay and to take care of the Mefite spring, nurturing a relationship that strongly expresses the precarious balance between humans and nature.
Mefite was born from the personal need to address a topic very important for me: the complex human/nature relation and the disruption of the ecosystem balance which has led to the climate crisis we find ourselves in. In the suggestive and windy valley d'Ansanto, this problem is very evident and is expressed in the controversial link between the depopulation of this region, Irpinia, and the invasive presence of countless wind turbines, generated by speculation. The relationship between Vito, the Mefite spring and the wind turbines allowed me to imagine a story that, mixing reality and magic, can stimulate reflection in the audience, starting from visual suggestions and proposed narratives. At the origin of every environmentalist struggle there is always a first spark. This short film does not aim to explain or give answers on the topic, but tries to be that spark.
Luca Vigliani (Color Correction)
Con Vito Santoli. Con la partecipazione di Maria Di Milia, Rocco Cipriano, Lucia Rubinetti, Nicola Mastromarino, Giulio Gallo, Renato Vigilante, Giovanni Marino Coscia. Voci radiofoniche: Laura De Donato, Andrea Pescatore, Ernesta d’Agostino