Crackers is an anthology series, made up of one-off episodes set in near futures and alternate presents. Surreal investigations, between the bizarre, the bitter and the biting, on the contradictions and absurdities of the society we live in.

Crackers stories come to life from the most important themes that animate our daily lives.In the episodes, the critical issues inherent in these topics are exaggerated with respect to the present, but are accepted as normal by most of the protagonists. As a result, absurd or paradoxical situations arise, distant enough for there to be a critical detachment, but recognizable enough to allow the empathy of the public. In this way, the spectator makes his unexpected and enthralling journey through these worlds and, when he returns to his own, he is prompted to look at it with different eyes, stimulated to greater reflection and awareness.

The 8 stories of the first season of Crackers, directed by 4 directors or director couples, combine a great variety of themes and forms, touching on the key topics of the entire project.The attitude of the stories to be set in limited and circumscribed locations captures the teaching of the theatrical tradition without however making it a limit. Through editing tricks, special effects, voiceovers and other peculiar audiovisual tools, the episodes of Crackers remain strongly characterized by their cinematic vocation.

The surreal and grotesque look at the world is the constant of the series, and has as its point of reference the Italian comedy of masters such as Risi, Monicelli and Comencini. Just the anthological format of "The Monsters" was the main source of inspiration, together with other references such as "Black Mirror" (for a certain idea of Sci-fi) and "The Twilight Zone - The Twilight Zone" (for the variety of social issues). Stylistically, some episodes look at the best examples of modern American seriality, such as "Mindhunter", "Modern Family", "Tales From the Loop", while others propose a more particular imaginary, in the wake of European authors such as Jean-Pierre Jeunet or Roy Anderson.

Altri credits

Damiano Monaco (Responsabile sviluppo)

Flash Future
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Film Tv Development Fund - dicembre 2022
Last update: 21 February 2023