Papaverofilms was conceived in 2007 during the production of the documentary “La culla delle aquile” by a group of former students of the School of Film and New Media of Milan. Thanks to the favourable reception of the film at international festivals Papaverofilms started to structure itself as a production company with a strong international presence. In 2013, the success of Under the Shadow of the Cross, turned Papaverofilms into an independent production company that works on difficult productions, sometimes expensive, in Italy and abroad. We produce films that have an high artistic profile and at the same time reach a wide visibility even outside the traditional documentary distribution network. Since 2012 Papaverofilms has been developing and producing a selected group of documentary and fiction projects in Spain and South America with the Spanish company First Draft of N. Kucic and A. Saura.

Main production
Secondary production
Feature films
Established in
Italian english french spanish portoghese
Alessandro Pugno
Recent works

Giardini di Piombo / A. Pugno

All'ombra della croce / A. Pugno (Italia - Spagna, 2012, Hd, 73') Miglior documentario Festival di Malaga 2013, Finalista DOC/IT awards, Festival Guadalajara, Mar del Plata, Popoli, Sao Paulo, Documenta Madrid, distribuito presso Canal Plus TV Spagna.

Le tre distanze / A. Pugno (Italia, 2011, Hd, 50') / Torino Film Festival La culla delle aquile / A.Pugno (Italia, 2008, Dvcam, 53'), Trento film festival, distribuito Tv regionale Trentino Alto Adige.

Last update: 11 January 2024